Terms and Conditions Date Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY New Client AgreementI hereby certify my dog(s) is/are in good health and has/have not been ill with any communicable conditions within the last 7 days. I further certify that my dog/dogs has/have not shown aggression or threatening behavior toward any person or other dog. I have read and understand the following: 1) I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog/dogs while my dog/dogs is/are attending Kota’s Place. 2) I further understand and agree that in admitting my dog/dogs to Kota’s Place, the Kota’s Place staff have relied on my representation that my dog/dogs is/are in good health and has/have not harmed or shown aggression or threatening behavior toward any person or other dog. 3) I further understand and agree that Kota’s Place and their staff and volunteers will not be liable for any problems that develop provided reasonable care and precautions are followed, and I hereby release them of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from my dog/dogs attendance and participation at Kota’s Place 4) I further understand and agree that dogs can sometimes receive minor cuts and scratches at daycare and any problems that develop with my dog/dogs will be treated as deemed best by staff and volunteers of Kota’s Place, at their sole discretion, and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved.* Yes Emergency Veterinarian Care1) Should your pet require emergency medical attention while being boarded, your pet will be treated at the closest emergency room. You are responsible for all medical expenses incurred as well as a $15.00 transportation fee. 2) I understand that Kota’s Place will try to contact all necessary people prior to taking your dog to a pet professional. Kota’s Place will exercise the option to proceed if no one is available and you (the client) will incur the cost of any and all vet services, the cost of which the undersigned agrees to reimburse Kota’s Place at the time of pick-up. 3) If Kota’s Place discovers that your dog is not up to date with shots, or has never had their shots, we reserve the right to take your dog/dogs to the vet of our choice and have your dog’s shots updated at your expense plus the cost of transportation. Dogs showing infestation of fleas and tics will be shampooed and treated at owners’ expense. We make every effort to maintain a flea/tic free environment however we cannot be responsible for occasional occurrences. 4) If I am unable to pick up my dog for any reason, I agree to contact Kota’s Place immediately, and agree to pay any/all additional fees incurred. Payment Policy: First time clients, we require full payment at the time of drop-off. I agree to pay any additional cost and attorney fees necessary for the collection of any amount not paid in full.* Yes I hereby certify that I am at least 18 years of age or older and by placing my name here, I agree to the terms of the above Boarding/Daycare contract.* First Last CaptchaNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.