Kota Bear

Couch Potato
Dakota Blackfoot Milacek found Sandy outside Dallas Texas. For 6 years they have toured the country; Sandy working and Dakota visiting doggy daycares. Dakota complained at times, Sandy listened. Dakota adopted Wayne in Arizona and asked him not to take him to anymore dreadful daycares. Wayne listened and the three of them developed Kota’s Place! The BEST Daycare Ever!

    Sandra Kendrick

    Head Honcho
    Sandra is a Registered OR Nurse and founder of Kota’s Place. As a travel nurse for 8 years, Sandra and Dakota traveled to several areas across the country. The best care for Dakota was often hard to find and inconvenient. Kota’s Place is Sandy’s vision and dream – to help other by providing the BEST care and most convenient operation available for you and your dog!

    Wayne Kendrick

    Pooper Scooper
    With a background in building and assisting start-up businesses, Wayne has assisted in building something very special with Sandy, both personally and professionally. Wayne was fortunate enough to be in Arizona when he and Sandy met. Together they clicked and formulated the plans for Kota’s Place.


    Team Member
    Pic and Bio coming soon!